Gifting the Cycle

Our Story


Growing up riding and racing BMX, bicycles have always been an important part of Jamie Lynch's life.  After several years of racing at a professional level and starting a family of his own, he knew he wanted to give back.  Starting when his boys were 3 and 5, they began to donate a few bikes each year at Christmas to Toys for Tots.  It was extremely important for him that his boys understood the value and importance of giving back.   As the boys grew, so did the number of bikes they donated each year.
Several years ago, Jamie's best friend, Darrin Chaisson, became an integral part of the tradition in order to show his boys the incredible feeling that giving invokes.  Two families equaled double the bikes.  In the last two years, they opened the donations to their friends and families, donating over 125 bikes each year.  Knowing that this would only continue to grow, they decided to make it into an official non-profit organization.  That is how Gifting The Cycle came about. 

Our Mission


Our goal is to give young children in the North Texas area the sense of freedom a bicycle offers, ultimately giving them a way to improve their current situation in life.

You can gift a cycle today!

EVERY DOLLAR COUNTS.  The average cost of one bicycle is $50. 

Pay with PayPal or a debit/credit card